
48.Blattner L, Kulanek D, Ruffener S, Ziegler H, Wymann H-P, Wiemers M, Michalik P, Berner D (2024) Urbanization-associated range expansion genetically homogenizes a butterfly species. Current Biology, in press
47.Ruffener S, Matthey-de-l'Endroit N, Berner D (2024) Invasion of Pieris mannii butterflies across Central Europe facilitated by urbanization. Urban Ecosystems, 27: 1155
46.Berner D, Ruffener S, Blattner L (2023) Chromosome-level assemblies of the Pieris mannii butterfly genome suggest Z-origin and rapid evolution of the W chromosome. Genome Biology and Evolution, 15: evad111
45.Berner D, Amrhein V (2022) Why and how we should join the shift from significance testing to estimation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 35: 777
44.Laurentino TG, Boileau N, Ronco F, Berner D (2022) The EDA receptor (EDAR) is a candidate gene for lateral plate number variation in stickleback fish. G3 | Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 12: jkac077
43.Blattner L, Lucek K, Beck N, Berner D, von Fumetti S (2022) Intra-alpine islands: population genomic inference reveals high degree of isolation between freshwater spring habitats. Diversity and Distributions, 28: 291
42.Haenel Q, Guerard L, MacColl A, Berner D (2022) The maintenance of standing genetic variation: gene flow versus selective neutrality in Atlantic stickleback fish. Molecular Ecology, 31: 811
41.Haenel Q, Oke KB, Laurentino TG, Hendry AP, Berner D (2021) Clinal genomic analysis reveals strong reproductive isolation across a steep habitat transition in stickleback fish. Nature Communications, 12: 4850
40.Berner D (2021) Re-evaluating the evidence for facilitation of stickleback speciation by admixture in the Lake Constance basin. Nature Communications, 12: 2806
39.Laurentino TG, Moser D, Roesti M, Ammann M, Frey A, Ronco F, Kueng B, Berner D (2020) Genomic release-recapture experiment in the wild reveals within-generation polygenic selection in stickleback fish. Nature Communications, 11: 1928

Bissegger M, Laurentino TG, Roesti M, Berner D (2020) Widespread intersex differentiation across the stickleback genome – the signature of sexually antagonistic selection? Molecular Ecology, 29: 262-271

37.Berner D, Roesti M, Bilobram S, Chan SK, Kirk H, Pandoh P, Taylor GA, Zhao Y, Jones SJM, DeFaveri J (2019) De novo sequencing, assembly, and annotation of four threespine stickleback genomes based on microfluidic partitioned DNA libraries. Genes, 10: 426
36.Berner D (2019) Allele frequency difference AFD - an intuitive alternative to FST for quantifying genetic population differentiation. Genes, 10: 308
35.Dukic M, Berner D, Haag CR, Ebert D (2019) How clonal are clones? A quest for loss of heterozygosity during asexual reproduction in Daphnia magna. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 32: 619-628
34.Haenel Q, Roesti M, Moser D, MacColl A, Berner D (2019) Predictable genome-wide sorting of standing genetic variation during parallel adaptation to basic versus acidic environments in stickleback fish. Evolution Letters, 3: 28-42
33.Haenel Q, Laurentino TG, Roesti M, Berner D (2018) Meta-analysis of chromosome-scale crossover rate variation in eukaryotes and its significance to evolutionary genomics. Molecular Ecology, 27: 2477-2497
32.Berner D, Roesti M (2017) Genomics of adaptive divergence with chromosome-scale heterogeneity in crossover rate. Molecular Ecology, 26: 6351-6369
31.Lohman BK, Berner D, Bolnick DI (2017) Clines arc through multivariate morphospace. American Naturalist, 189: 345-367
30. Berner D, Ammann M, Spencer E, Rüegg A, Lüscher D, Moser D (2017) Sexual isolation promotes divergence between parapatric lake and stream stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 30: 401-411
29.Dukic M, Berner D, Roesti M, Haag CR, Ebert D (2016) A high-density genetic map reveals variation in recombination rate across the genome of Daphnia magna. BMC Genetics, 17:137
28.Moser D, Frey A, Berner D (2016) Fitness differences between parapatric lake and stream stickleback revealed by a field transplant. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29: 711-719
27.Roesti M, Kueng B, Moser D, Berner D (2015) The genomics of ecological vicariance in threespine stickleback fish. Nature Communications, 6: 8767
26.Berner D, Salzburger W (2015) The genomics of organismal diversification illuminated by adaptive radiations. Trends in Genetics, 31: 491-499
25.Berner D, Thibert-Plante X (2015) How mechanisms of habitat preference evolve and promote divergence with gene flow. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 28: 1641-1655
24.Moser D, Kueng B, Berner D (2015) Lake-stream divergence in stickleback life history: a plastic response to trophic niche differentiation? Evolutionary Biology, 42: 328-338

Roesti M, Gavrilets S, Hendry AP, Salzburger W, Berner D (2014) The genomic signature of parallel adaptation from shared genetic variation. Molecular Ecology, 23: 3944-3956


Berner D, Moser D, Roesti M, Buescher H, Salzburger W (2014) Genetic architecture of skeletal evolution in European lake and stream stickleback. Evolution, 68: 1792-1805


Mateus CS, Stange M, Berner D, Roesti M, Quintella BR, Alves MJ, Almeida PR, Salzburger W (2013) Strong genome-wide divergence between sympatric European river and brook lampreys. Current Biology, 23: R649-R650


Roesti M, Moser D, Berner D (2013) Recombination in the threespine stickleback genome - patterns and consequences. Molecular Ecology, 22: 3014-3027


Moser D, Roesti M, Berner D (2012) Repeated lake-stream divergence in stickleback life history within a Central European lake basin. PLoS ONE, 7: e50620


Berner D (2012) How much can the orientation of G's eigenvectors tell us about genetic constraints? Ecology and Evolution, 2: 1834-1842


Roesti M, Salzburger W, Berner D (2012) Uninformative polymorphisms bias genome scans for signatures of selection. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 12: 94


Roesti M, Hendry AP, Salzburger W, Berner D (2012) Genome divergence during evolutionary diversification as revealed in replicate lake-stream stickleback population pairs. Molecular Ecology, 21: 2852-2862


Berner D, Kaeuffer R, Grandchamp A-C, Raeymaekers JAM, Räsänen K, Hendry AP (2011) Quantitative genetic inheritance of morphological divergence in a lake-stream stickleback ecotype pair: implications for reproductive isolation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24:1975-1983


Berner D (2011) Size correction in biology: how reliable are approaches based on (common) principal component analysis? Oecologia 166:961-971


Raeymaekers JAM, Boisjoly M, Delaire L, Berner D, Räsänen K, Hendry AP (2010) Testing for mating isolation between ecotypes: laboratory experiments with lake, stream, and hybrid stickleback. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2694-2708


Berner D, Roesti M, Hendry AP, Salzburger W (2010) Constraints on speciation suggested by comparing lake-stream stickleback divergence across two continents. Molecular Ecology 19: 4963-4978


Berner D, Stutz W, Bolnick DI. (2010) Foraging trait (co)variances in stickleback evolve deterministically and do not predict trajectories of adaptive diversification. Evolution 64: 2265-2277


Crispo E, DiBattista JD, Correa C, Thibert-Plante X, McKellar AE, Schwartz AK, Berner D, De León LF, Hendry AP (2010) The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in response to anthropogenic disturbance. Evolutionary Ecology Research 12: 47-66


Berner D (2009) Correction of a bootstrap approach to testing for evolution along lines of least resistance. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 2563-2565


Hendry AP, Bolnick DI, Berner D, Peichel CL (2009) Along the speciation continuum in sticklebacks. Journal of Fish Biology 75: 2000-2036


Berner D, Grandchamp A-C, Hendry AP (2009) Variable progress toward ecological speciation in parapatry: stickleback across eight lake-stream transitions. Evolution, 63: 1740-1753


Sharpe DMT, Räsänen K, Berner D, Hendry AP (2008) Genetic and environmental contributions to the morphology of lake and stream stickleback: implications for gene flow and reproductive isolation. Evolutionary Ecology Research 10: 849-866


Berner D, Adams DC, Grandchamp A-C, Hendry AP (2008) Natural selection drives patterns of lake-stream divergence in stickleback foraging morphology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 21:1653-1665


Berner D & Blanckenhorn WU (2007) An ontogenetic perspective on the relationship between age and size at maturity. Functional Ecology 21: 505-512 .pdf


Berner D & Blanckenhorn WU (2006) Grasshopper ontogeny in relation to time constraints: adaptive divergence and stasis. Journal of Animal Ecology 75: 130-139 .pdf


Berner D, Blanckenhorn WU, Körner Ch (2005) Grasshoppers cope with low host plant quality by compensatory feeding and food selection: N limitation challenged. Oikos 111: 525-533 .pdf


Berner D, Körner Ch, Blanckenhorn WU (2004) Grasshopper populations across 2000 m of altitude: is there life history adaptation? Ecography 27: 733-740 .pdf